~Kt Rtkt BARE HAKO / Libro del conocimiento sagrado de las madres de semilla. © 2024 ACAIPI, Asociación de Capitanes y Autoridades Tradicionales Indígenas del Río Pirá Paraná. All rights reserved. ISBN 9789585923119

~Kii Rɨkɨ Bare Hako is a proposal for a socio-environmental regeneration to preserve and maintain the climate balance of the Amazon. This book carries on the Hee Yaia Keti Oka knowledge from the Yurupari.
Jaguars in the Colombian Amazon, recognized as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Nine years ago, we conducted self-research, and we began ~Kii Rɨkɨ Bare Hako to make an interactive book in four original languages about the care of the sacred ancestral feminine wisdom to sustain and watch over the fertility and abundance of the Amazons. A book with augmented reality through origin chants and histories,sacred cartography, texts about self-indigenous research and 3D animations to tell our knowledge as contemporary Amazon women.
~Kii Rɨkɨ Bare Hako es una propuesta para la regeneración socioambiental destinada a preservar y mantener el equilibrio climático de la Amazonía. Este libro transmite el conocimiento Hee Yaia Keti Oka de los Jaguares de Yurupari en la Amazonía colombiana, reconocido como Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad.
Hace nueve años, llevamos a cabo una investigación y comenzamos ~Kii Rɨkɨ Bare Hako para crear un libro interactivo en cuatro lenguas originales, centrado en el cuidado de la sagrada sabiduría ancestral femenina, con el fin de sostener y velar por la fertilidad y abundancia de la Amazonía. Un libro que incorpora realidad aumentada a través de cantos e historias originarias, cartografía sagrada, textos sobre investigación propia indígena y animaciones en 3D para compartir nuestro conocimiento como mujeres amazónicas contemporáneas.
Tatuyo indigenous knowledge, 2020
Chants, drawings, 3D, chants, interactive Cartography
Interactive Cartography
Interactive Cartography, the great mountains are the bigger pillars of the maloca, the door of the waters (female door) is the shape of the bowl; this is the maloca and chagra (orchad), and that is how our world embedded from the smallest to the biggest. That's why the Amazon basin has lasted so long, the jungle is a science of life, sacred places, that is summarized in a bowl of wax.
Description: Traditional ancestral feminine knowledge is rooted in everyday life, it expresses itself within the oral chants and traditions, which are the way women educate their peers. This way of communicating knowledge is a guarantee of survival in the Amazons’ forest across generations.
- Indigenous own research at the Pirá Paraná River (2017)
- Augmented Reality with interactive cartography (2020)
CLICK OVER PHOTO GALLERY to see (unpublished photos by Sergio Bartelsman) >>
Who we are:
ACAIPI -Association of Traditional Indigenous Authorities of the Pirá Paraná River- Public Special Public Entity.
Our mission to preserve the knowledge of Hee Yaia Keti Oka, Jaguars from Yurupari, ancestral cognition and healing for protection and care of our territory, for the defense and wellbeing of the people and nature. This is the way in which traditional wisemen, wise women and young leaders conceive the relations between culture, art, spirituality, education and wellbeing.
Indigenous research group:
Tradicionales ~KUBUA
Antonio León Acuña
Manuel Perilla Caicedo
Avelino Fernández Mosquera
Libardo Bolívar Marín
Sabedora BARE HAKO
Hilda Marina Marín Lopera
Investigación: Olinda Rodríguez Santamaría, Martha López Briseño,Eva luz León Caicedo,
Rosalía León Marín, Daniel León Marín,
Jaime Efraín Valencia Núñez.
Tradicionales ~Kubua Francisco Sánchez Buitrago y Manuel Mejía Cardona, finado. La sabedoras Bare Hako Lucila Mejía Barrera
Tradicionales ~KUBUA.
Francisco Benjamín Jaramillo y Faustino Benjamín Londoño
Sabedora BARE HAKO Estela Benjamín Londoño
Investigación y dibujo:
María Judith León,
Nancy M. Sánchez Benjamín, Felipe Benjamín,
Luz Eneida Benjamín y Leovigildo Benjamín
Tradicionales ~KUBUA. Reynel Ortega Benedicto Ortega Arsecio Bernardo Marín Cesar Cardona y Ricardo Marín, finado.
Sabedoras BARE HAKO Rosa Marín
Luis, Angélico Morales y Daolina Yarce
Investigación: Aracelly Bolivar
Dibujantes y escritoras: María Lucelly Marín, Rubinela Marín y Erika Reina
Tradicionales ~KUBUA
Ernesto Lleras Camargo
Sabedora BARE HAKO
Elsa Villegas Valencia
Investigación: Claudino Hernández López
Tradicionales ~KUBUA
Dagoberto Nuñez y Reinaldo Valencia Villegas
Sabedora BARE HAKO
Eva Valencia Villegas
Investigación: Laura valencia Nuñez, Higinio Valencia López
Dibujante: Istmenia Valencia López.
Mujeres ACAIPI
Rosa Marín, Rosalía León Marín,
María Judith León , Reynel Ortega, Jesus León Marín, Carolina Duque
y Bárbara Santos. Representante de ACAIPI - Juana Marín 2024
Anthropologist: CAROLINA DUQUE
Anthropologist with a Master's Degree in Environmental Management from the Universidad de los Andes. With experience in design, implementation and monitoring of public policies of socio-environmental governance. She has been a mediator for the Government in dialogue and agreement in spaces for national and territorial participation of ethnic groups. It promotes endogenous research and traditional knowledge systems with ethnic groups. He has participated in the construction of public policies with a comprehensive approach to green growth in the Colombian Amazon based on indigenous environmental governance with respect to traditional practices, guaranteeing cultural diversity and forests in their territories.
Visual artist, editor and independent researcher. His work resides at the intersection between the jungle, art and technology, through expanded dialogues.
Lives and works in Colombia.
Director of photography for commercial TV spots. Bogotá 1996-2011. Worked doing fashion and advertising photography. 2011 - present. Retired from the commercial venues. Dedicated to personal projects since. 2006-2015. Book for ACAIPI & GAIA FOUNDATION. Jaguars Communities of River Pirá Paraná in the Colombian Vaupés. Published in 2014. Visionaire Magazine. No.41 The World. NY, NY, USA.
PTP es la oficina de diseño, el proyecto de investigación y el laboratorio de tipografía.