DIÁLOGOS SOBRE arte y tecnología desde el saber ancestral

-Art and technology DIALOGS based on ancestral knowledgE-

La SABIA SELVA, es tan contemporánea como tú, tú respiras porque ella respira, tú extraes, ella desaparece. // The WISE RAINFOREST is as contemporary as you, you breathe because she breathes, if you exploit from her, she disappears.


Idartes, 2019


Traditional ancestral feminine knowledge is rooted in everyday life, it expresses itself within the oral chants and traditions, which are the way women educate their peers. This way of communicating knowledge is a guarantee of survival in the Amazons’ forest across generations.

~Kii Riki Bare Hako (Madres de Semilla)

An Interactive Book about the care of the sacred ancestral feminine knowledge. © 2024 ACAIPI


contacto: barbarasantosv(at)gmail.com / www.instagram.com/quiasma/